Topics: MSP VMS Recruitment, Recruitment Outsourcing, VMS Recruiting, VMS Staffing Solutions

VMS Recruiting | The Key Features of a Robust VMS

Posted on May 26, 2022
Written By Aanchal Jain

VMS Recruiting and staffing support

What is VMS Recruiting and how does it work?

VMS recruiting is external recruitment support provided through cloud-based software platforms known as a vendor management system. VMS facilitates management of the external workforce, including contingent and contractual workforce. Enterprises work with a complex and multi-channeled workforce in the current scenario, and a VMS can help them get a clear insight into who is working for them, where, when, and at what rates.

According to a report by SAP Fieldglass and Oxford Economics, the external workforce enables an impressive range of business outcomes by reshaping how work is done. VMS has emerged as a valuable tool for talent sourcing, engaging, managing, and deploying the external workforce in the new global digital economy.

So how does VMS recruiting work, and what are the key features of a top-quality vendor management system? Let’s find out below.

Key Features of a Top-Quality Vendor Management System

VMS recruiting has reinvented the recruitment process and transformed the way recruiters use digital technology. VMS can help source candidates to fill job requirements quickly and facilitate payroll management and other administrative functions for recruiting and staffing organizations.

The most significant features of a robust vendor management system are:

  1. Applicant Tracking Function

VMS is a powerful tool with applicant tracking functionality allowing recruiters and hiring managers to acquire the best talent from a pool of active and passive candidates. From the moment a requirement is created to onboarding the selected candidate, vendor management systems take automated actions and eliminate tedious administrative and compliance functions. It helps to make the hiring process more efficient and enables an advanced workflow without delays.

  1. Uniform Procedures and Policy Compliance

A VMS is used to establish uniform procedures across the organization consistently. Even if the procedures differ from one another due to differences in geographies, departments, brands, and divisions, a good VMS will enable you to implement and manage programs independently. Such a uniform compliance system helps meet local and national government policies and enhance organizational efficiencies.

  1. Data Management

Vendor management software provides access to all the relevant information regarding the contingent workforce. Analyzing the available data results in sound decision-making as it helps to evaluate the current programs, gauge their success and efficiency, and make adjustments for better performance.

  1. Comprehensive Reporting

A robust vendor management system enables comprehensive reporting based on data-driven insights about the success of workforce programs. VMS recruiting allows an organization to accurately evaluate the time and cost, quality, quantity, and compliance factors of the contingent workforce and make informed decisions for the future.

  1. Workforce Visibility

Working with a flexible or temporary workforce can be very challenging to maintain visibility and compliance. VMS staffing helps to take a systematic approach toward managing a flexible workforce. Vendor management systems facilitate cost-saving, operational efficiencies, timely decision making, compliance, and total workforce visibility.

Get Outsourced VMS MSP Staffing Solutions

MSPs and staffing agencies are under increased pressure due to large-scale contingent workforce requirements that are now more complicated and time-consuming. Outsourced VMS staffing has emerged as the perfect solution to combat this situation and tackle workforce uncertainties and contingent requirements.

Outsourced VMS staffing support offered by the QX Global Group can help staffing companies to scale their business and improve service delivery efficiency. At QXGG, VMS staffing service experts are trained to use various VMS programs. They will help you automate and optimize a range of administrative and reporting processes.

Connect with our VMS recruiting support team to learn how you can reduce recruiting costs and access a rich talent pool with less turnaround time for high-volume staffing requirements.

Book a Consultation

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog. If you want our team to help you resolve talent gaps, reduce costs and transform your business operations, just book a call.

Originally published May 26, 2022 11:05:01, updated Feb 16 2024

Topics: MSP VMS Recruitment, Recruitment Outsourcing, VMS Recruiting, VMS Staffing Solutions

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