Topics: Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Talent Advisory

Some Creative, Some Boring, All Efficient 30 Recruiting Ideas

Posted on March 10, 2021
Written By Aron Vaidya

30 recruitment ideas for you to try today


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while  expecting different results.” These famous words come from Albert Einstein, one of the great scientific minds of the 20th century. These words hold true in all aspects of life, personal and professional. However, let’s keep our focus fixated on part relevant to both of us – you, the reader, and us, the content and recruitment service provider.

Are you mentally strained by the monotonous recruiting practice? You keep on trying to do the same thing repeatedly with no results to show for it. So why not try something new? Here is a list of recruitment ideas, some creative, some quirky, some even boring, yet all of them effective:

30 Recruiting Ideas You Must Try Today

  1. Have you tried recruitment marketing? Direct your efforts towards attracting and sourcing candidates leveraging digital tools and new techniques.
  2. Advertise job openings on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Facebook. LinkedIn and Facebook are where, you know, your passive candidates with hard-to-find skillsets reside in large volume.
  3. A candidate visited your jobs page on the site but left without sharing the application? Fret not; try to get them back with PPC retargeting campaigns.
  4. If you are merely adding job descriptions in your job ads, then you are doing it wrong. Train your recruiters to write effective copies. Mitch Sullivan’s comes to mind!
  5. Market the values you offer and benefits to your inactive temporary workforce.
  6. Create a robust, multi-channel content strategy to attract talent. Answer questions around job search, career growth and career pivot through your content. Tell them why they should work with you, and be sure to add evidence of the benefits you offer.
  7. Share job posts on relevant social media communities. For example, LinkedIn and Facebook groups.
  8. Use PPC text and display ads to bring active job seekers from Google or relevant third-party websites to your website.
  9. Proactively market your best candidates (especially temp talent) to current clients and prospects. You can create marketing videos of highly-skilled and successful temporary candidates, highlighting their project contributions.
  10. Provide push notifications from your job board to job hunting talent. Note that they should have provided consent and chosen to receive communication from your agency.
  11. Work with businesses that had to (or may have to) make their employees redundant. This idea helps these businesses, laid-off employees and even your recruitment efforts; a win-win for all parties.
  12. Explore new job boards for niche, specialised roles.
  13. Be data-driven. Always keep an eye on your job board analytics to assess who is applying and how they find you. Use the data you gather to build recruitment strategies with maximum efforts towards activities and/or targets that bring in the most impactful results.
  14. Leverage mobile technology. Integrate QX codes in your ads that direct the user to your job board with a simple mobile scanner.
  15. Ask for referrals. Ask for referrals from your candidates. Ask for referrals from your clients. (The last point will require relationship building)
  16. Amplify the referral bonus tenfold for niche positions.
  17. Gamify the referral process. Make it an engaging and rewarding experience. For example, give the candidate a piece of the puzzle for every referral offered; combining the pieces would help them earn a reward (not your standard £5-£10 bonus, though)
  18. Gamify your application process.
  19. Visit job fairs. Lockdown or social distancing fears? Visit virtual job fairs. Even better, organise one.
  20. Craft recruiting videos such as infomercials. Just define a template and follow it to make videos in high-volume for the long run.
  21. Fish for new recruitment ideas from a competitor pond.
  22. If the job roles are consistent over a long period, be proactive in your approach to building a pool of candidates with relevant skillset. Be proactive with passive candidate sourcing and create a high-quality talent pool. Leverage ads reach over social media and newsletters to find candidates.
  23. Reactivate inactive temp. A high-touch call or email should do the trick.
  24. Offer extended support to your candidates. Take a high-touch approach to build a long-term professional relationship.
  25. Automate the follow-up process for all your candidates – after their interviews, after their application is selected, after their application is rejected, even if they decline the job offer or are no-shows.
  26. Reward long-term temps with incentives.
  27. Educate temporary workforce on perks of training – upskilling and cross-skilling.
  28. Build a permanent staff that consists of a temporary workforce. The steps mentioned above should help you achieve just that.
  29. Make training a rewarding experience. A reward doesn’t mean a new skill here. We mean an actual reward: coupons, bonuses, free lunch etc.
  30. Collaborate with third-party recruitment service providers for extended support. A Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) service provider or a Managed Service Provider (MSP) should bring efficiency and scalability to your service delivery process, not to mention added cost-efficiency.

To Conclude

Give these recruiting ideas a try and see how they serve your agency. If you still need a helping hand, you can always turn to QX Global Group for support. We offer dedicated offshore RPO support and MSP solution for contingent staffing businesses based in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and several European geographies.

Hit the “Get in Touch” button right below this line to send us a message now.

Originally published Mar 10, 2021 02:03:56, updated Jan 25 2024

Topics: Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Talent Advisory

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