Topics: Candidate Sourcing, candidate sourcing services, candidate sourcing solutions, candidate sourcing strategy, Outsourcing Candidate Sourcing

Will 2024 be the Dawn of Innovative Candidate Sourcing Strategies?

Posted on May 02, 2024
Written By QX Global Group

Candidate Sourcing Strategies

In LinkedIn’s 2023 Future of Recruiting study, it was highlighted that the role of Candidate Sourcing is gaining prominence, with 70% of professionals in the field recognising their strategic importance within organisations and 47% anticipating an increase in their budgets. The use of advanced technologies, including tools for sourcing candidates, marketing roles, and analysing data, is already prevalent. As we move into 2024, the recruitment sector is expected to further adapt to the dynamics of the labour market, with a significant push towards incorporating AI-powered automation tools.

To enhance their efficiency in matching candidates with suitable roles, talent acquisition specialists are urged to focus on four key innovation areas: generative AI, improving the candidate journey, expanding the scope of talent pools, and leveraging the power of employee endorsements.

Generative AI

The ReimagineHR Conference hosted by Gartner spotlighted three major trends affecting recruitment technology for 2024. These include the pivotal role of generative AI, the need for increased regulatory compliance, and the necessity for HR to exercise caution in vendor selection due to longer procurement cycles. Generative AI, which can create content that mimics learned data patterns, is just beginning to be integrated into recruitment for crafting job listings, interview queries, and communications. This year is poised to see its broader application, amidst growing legislative scrutiny ensuring ethical AI use in collaboration with HR tech providers.

Candidate Experience

Reports by Talent Board indicate a rise in candidate dissatisfaction with the recruitment process. To counteract this, recruitment teams are leveraging technology to streamline applications and enhance interaction. Innovations for 2024 include automated scheduling via text, targeted advertising on social networks, and the use of virtual reality for assessments. AI tools for real-time feedback and blockchain for efficient background checks are also being considered to improve the overall application experience.

Expanding Talent Pools

Skills-based hiring is becoming a priority, encouraging the exploration of diverse candidate groups such as non-degree holders, disabled individuals, veterans, and others. This approach, powered by talent intelligence AI, evaluates the transferability of skills, facilitating the consideration of candidates from unconventional backgrounds while aiming to eliminate hiring biases. This technology supports organisations in adapting roles and reallocating personnel amidst change and digital shifts.

Employee Advocacy

In the post-pandemic landscape, the significance of employee advocacy has surged, with teams recognizing the value of using the Net Promoter Score for employer branding. Encouraging staff and alumni to share positive experiences online can significantly impact recruitment efforts. Incentives, such as referral bonuses for social media shares leading to hires, are being explored to amplify positive messaging and attract top talent.

As the demand for skilled professionals continues to outpace supply, a proactive and technology-driven recruitment approach is essential. The advancements in 2024 are set to empower organisations to engage more effectively with potential candidates, ensuring they remain competitive in attracting the best talent.

Originally published May 02, 2024 04:05:59, updated May 02 2024

Topics: Candidate Sourcing, candidate sourcing services, candidate sourcing solutions, candidate sourcing strategy, Outsourcing Candidate Sourcing

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