Topics: Outsourced Staffing Services, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, staffing outsourcing

How to Choose the Best RPO Company in India Offering Services in the USA

Posted on December 15, 2020
Written By Alok Kumar

Know the Benefits of opting QX for recruitment process outsourcing

There are no second thoughts about factors over which you cannot compromise when looking for the best RPO company in India offering best recruitment assistance services in the USA. A Large footprint, at least decade long RPO experience, pool of expert sourcing and recruiting experts, dedicated resource service model, necessary security and project management infrastructure, and a SOC 2 compliance for US based RPO operations, perfectly fit in the list of such factors. And once you find such RPO provider then you can ask for a Free Trial and evaluate the services before engaging them for long term business goals in 2019.

There are around 48% of staffing businesses in the US who outsource some of their RPO work to best RPO services company in India such as QX Recruitment Services. However, you would rarely come across staffing business owners in the US who are keen on highlighting their outsourcing partners. There is still a degree of stigma attached to outsourcing but there is also no denial in the fact that staffing businesses in the US who outsource or offshore their RPO assistance task to QX Recruitment Services realize lots of benefits. To trade on the same trail, you also have to overcome your stigma and understand how offshoring to Recruitment process outsourcing companies in India is one of the best things you can do for your staffing company.

Below is an account of how these different essential factors help you choose the best Recruitment process outsourcing India partner. If you could follow it diligently, it would also save you from hurting your business and your faith in outsourcing recruitment process assistance to a good RPO provider in India.

A Large Footprint

It tells about the span and how deep is the understanding of your preferred RPO partner. There is no way a company can survive at multiple locations without having real value to offer through its Recruitment process outsourcing India services.


It comes secondary to the factor of a large footprint because some RPO companies India can survive for long even when they are not good at their work. But, when you couple this factor with a large footprint it highlights the overall growth of the RPO company which you are going to choose for your recruitment process assistance work. Ideally, given the complexity and dynamics of the recruitment industry in the US and also for UK-EU, you should look for a company with at least a decade of domain experience.

Talent Pool

It is tough to build a large talent pool in the RPO assistance domain. Only a truly motivated RPO company in India can pull this feat. It is also noteworthy that talent pool should comprise of resources who have more than 3 years of experience. In general, sourcing and recruiting professionals take up to 3 years to mature and transform into a veteran. And, you should not settle for anything other than veterans while choosing an offshore team from the talent pool of your partner Recruitment process outsourcing companies India.

Dedicated Model

If you have lesser work for your RPO partner in India, then shared resource model could be an option but when you have serious business to look into and you have outsourced to make your process both efficient and profitable then do ask your offshoring partner for dedicated resource model. It gives you the liberty to interview and chose your best team of dedicated sourcing experts, dedicated recruiters with relevant domain expertise, and dedicated night sourcing & out of hours sourcing recruiters; and control the process as if it is your in-house team. Further, direct and daily reporting with next door telephony helps you to reach out to your team anytime you have something to discuss or address. For an offshore partnership to flourish your Recruitment process outsourcing companies India partner should be able to offer you dedicated resource model.

Security & Quality Assurance

Quality does gets compromised if you have chosen a bad outsourcing partner for your RPO assistance. And you are in deep trouble if your offshore RPO partner does not have proper data and information security control process. Both of these make it imperative for you to ask your preferred RPO Companies India to present their certifications/tools/process expertise highlighting they can support their promise of security and quality assurance.

SOC 2 Compliance

Among many certifications and compliances that your RPO partner in India should possess so that you can put your trust and enter into a business relationship; SOC 2 compliance is a must. This compliance gives you assurance that confidentiality, integrity, availability, privacy, and security of Information is maintained. And, this is as much required as any other essential compliance for all US division processes.

QX Recruitment Services as the best RPO Companies India have partnered with more than 200 staffing businesses since 2004. More importantly, a majority of the companies with whom we started working in our initial years are still our clients. It is also noteworthy that we helped our clients save millions of dollars and pounds across US and UK geography in all these years. 5 out of top 10 healthcare staffing businesses in the UK-EU are our clients. All of these along with recognition by IAOP as Top 100 Global outsourcing companies for 2018 makes us irresistibly good as preferred Recruitment process outsourcing companies India for 2019 and years to come. All the more, we offer more value to all the above mentioned factors making us you best RPO partner in India. Connect with us for a No-obligation Free Trial to evaluate our services before you commit.

Originally published Dec 15, 2020 12:12:56, updated Jul 16 2024

Topics: Outsourced Staffing Services, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, staffing outsourcing

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