Human Resource Support Solutions

Human Resource Support Solutions

Outsourced Human Resource Support Solutions to Outpace Speed of Disruption

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Traditionally, the role of a Human Resource (HR) professional has been limited to finding, recruiting and retaining talent. However, in the modern scenario, business owners also expect their HR teams to contribute to strategic functions and play a role in organizational growth. In such fluid business scenarios, balancing traditional HR responsibilities with value-driven initiatives can often drain onshore HR teams completely.

Backed by a unique people, process & platform approach, QX Global Group offers a wide range of Human Resource Support Solutions. These solutions are highly flexible in nature and can prove to be ideal for companies of all sizes, across industries.

For Business Enquiries



Payroll administration

Carrying out staff payroll administration is a long and tiring process that can drain a company’s onshore resources and take the focus away from core, strategic HR functions. As a part of its HR Support Services, QX Global Group offers highly comprehensive Payroll Administration support solutions that introduce dedicated payroll professionals to your business.

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Regulatory reporting & compliance

While onshore HR teams realize the importance of staying informed about and complying to the latest regulatory requirements, the exhaustive nature of this task can often make it a big burden on them. QX Global Group offers highly comprehensive Regulatory Reporting & Compliance assistance solutions that help businesses mitigate risks and facilitate focus shift to strategic functions.

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Audit assistance

Mid and large-sized businesses often end up spending a great deal of time and resources on conducting internal audits. QX Global Group’s Audit Assistance solutions introduce a dedicated team of auditors to your business so that your onshore teams can focus on strategic functions.

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Payroll reporting

Running a company’s payroll can be a long & exhaustive process that can drain onshore resources completely. As a part of its Human Resource Support Solutions, QX Global Group offers bespoke Payroll Reporting solutions that introduce a dedicated team of SMEs to your business, facilitating generation of timely & accurate payroll reports.

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Software Capabilities

Technology is at the heart our human resource support solutions. The QX team utilizes a combination of software to transform human resource for our clients. In addition, we are also open to working with your existing systems or any other software that might suit your business needs better.


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