The 5-minute guide to choosing the best pricing model for your credit control outsourcing project

06 Feb 2017 | Tags: Credit Control Process

An enduring and successful credit control outsourcing relationship is possible only when the agree...

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12 years and going strong: when is it a good idea to stay with the same company for long?

06 Feb 2017 | Tags: Finance & Accounting Outsourcing

‘Should you change jobs on a frequent basis, or should you stick to one company for a longer perio...

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Outsourced finance & accounts: A quick win for the budget hotel industry?

27 Jan 2017 | Tags: Finance & Accounting BPO

Against the backdrop of Brexit, PWC UK Hotel Forecast 2017 foresees a drop in travel budget – bo...

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Should I outsource my credit control and collections to a third-party?

13 Jan 2017 | Tags: Credit Control Process

Keeping bad debts to a minimum and optimising cash flow are vital to the success of any business. In...

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6 credit control problems that are hurting small media & publishing companies

03 Jan 2017 | Tags: Credit Control Process

Advertisements are the life-blood of media & publishing businesses. Sales teams try to maintain ...

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