Process Optimisation

Top 10 ways student housing property managers keep properties occupied

06 Sep 2017 | Tags: Student Housing

Student occupancy rates are one of the top KPIs for student housing property managers. Whether you...

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10 ideas for student housing property managers who want to fill up all their properties to the brim

31 Jul 2017 | Tags: Student Housing

Student occupancy rates are one of the top KPIs for student housing property managers. Whether you...

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How smart accounts departments can combat cybercrime

16 Jun 2017 | Tags: Finance & Accounting Outsourcing

It always comes as a shock. Although cyber crime affects almost half of all the medium-to-large busi...

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Is your accounting department vulnerable to the most common online frauds?

07 Feb 2017 | Tags: Finance and Accounting Transformation

Most businesses today have an online presence and most accounting departments use online tools that ...

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