Topics: Candidate Sourcing, candidate sourcing solutions, candidate sourcing strategy

The Candidate Sourcing Strategy That Delivered $763K in 16 Months

Posted on May 13, 2024
Written By Ranjana Singh

candidate sourcing

Expanding in a new market while keeping costs in check isn’t as simple as it seems. This was a major challenge faced by one of our clients who was a leader in delivering staffing solutions within transformation and technology markets. The solution? A partnership with a specialized offshore Recruitment Service Provider, QX Recruitment Services that promised not just to meet, but exceed their expectations.

What Were the Client’s Challenges?

Our client was crystal clear about their needs:

1. Enhance Return on Investment (ROI): They needed to see tangible, financial outcomes from their investment in recruitment activities.

2. Revamp the Sourcing Process: The existing process was due for a structural and strategic overhaul to streamline operations.

3. Reduce Time-to-Hire: Accelerating the hiring cycle was crucial to keep up with rapid market changes.

4. Elevate Candidate Experience: Implementing a high-touch approach that would make candidates feel valued and understood.

5. Utilize Diverse Sourcing Channels and Advanced Technology: To improve reach and efficiency in sourcing candidates for hard-to-fill roles.

6. Shift Focus to Core Business Activities: Freeing up the in-house team to concentrate on bottom-line enhancing tasks.

Tailored Strategy and Implementation

To address these multifaceted challenges, we recommended a bespoke candidate sourcing strategy that incorporated an offshore workforce model. This model was designed for flexibility—capable of scaling up or down in response to market fluctuations, thus boosting hiring quality, efficiency, and speed.

Building the Team

A dedicated team of six highly skilled sourcing experts (FTEs) was established, functioning as an offshore extension of the client’s internal recruitment team. Their primary tasks included:

1. Active Candidate Sourcing: Through targeted searches and screening to qualify candidates for open positions.

2. Comprehensive Role Understanding: A formal review process to deeply understand job roles for better candidate-job alignment.

3. Innovative Sourcing Techniques: Utilizing unique channels and smart tools to enhance candidate engagement, enrich the talent pool, and secure more successful hiring outcomes.

Communication and Engagement

We prioritized candidate experience by maintaining transparent, informative, and continuous communication using phones, emails, SMS, and social media messages. This ensured that candidates were fully aware of their potential roles and responsibilities and kept them engaged throughout the recruitment process.

Measurable Outcomes and Success

The partnership yielded impressive results:

1. Scaled Service Delivery: Our client’s capacity to manage recruitment processes expanded exponentially.

2. Enhanced Operational Agility: This allowed them to effectively cope with market changes.

3. Informed Decision-Making: Through robust reporting mechanisms that provided clarity on the ratio of sourced, interviewed, and hired candidates.

4. Cost and Process Efficiency: Streamlining these aspects led to significant savings and more focused internal resources.

Financial Impact

Most notably, the initiative generated placements worth approximately $8,303 per recruiter per month, totaling a staggering $763,000 in 16 months.


Our client’s decision to adopt an offshore recruitment service model not only met their initial objectives but also positioned them for sustained future growth and profitability. This case study demonstrates the transformative power of strategic outsourcing in recruitment, proving that with the right partner, businesses can indeed turn their recruitment challenges into opportunities for success.

Read the Detailed Case Study: Generated Placements Worth $763K in 16 Months Through Outsourced Candidate Sourcing

Originally published May 13, 2024 03:05:52, updated May 13 2024

Topics: Candidate Sourcing, candidate sourcing solutions, candidate sourcing strategy

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