Topics: ATS Performance, Candidate Sourcing, Legacy ATS Data Management

80,000+ Outdated Candidates? How Inefficient Legacy ATS Data Management Is Hurting 70% of Recruiters’ Success

Posted on September 13, 2024
Written By Abishek Balakumar

ATS Data Management

94% of recruiters agree that their ATS has had a positive impact on their organisation’s hiring processes. We all know what ATS is, however, does your ATS have fresh candidate data? The not-so-good news is that poor-quality data costs businesses approximately $12.9 million per annum, according to Gartner.

In this article, we’re going to discuss 5 ways in which you can clean up your ATS data and processes for boosting recruiting success.

Who uses ATS

What was Missing in the Legacy ATS?

  1. Lacks advanced reporting & analytics needed for data-driven decisions.
  2. Struggles to sync with modern HR tech, reducing recruitment efficiency.
  3. Clunky interfaces and outdated processes deter top talent.
  4. Extended time-to-hire can result in missed opportunities.
  5. Can’t adapt to your organisation’s evolving needs.
  6. Inefficient for mobile users, affecting recruiters & candidates alike.
  7. Frequent updates, extended downtime, and rising operational costs.

How to Overcome the Limitations of Legacy ATS

Here’s how modern solutions can address the common problems associated with legacy ATS and make your recruitment process more effective.

1. Offshore Database Cleansing: Start Fresh

A cluttered database can slow down your recruitment efforts. To avoid this, we need to regularly cleanse and optimise the database, so you can ensure your ATS remains efficient. Start with a small team to clean and update your records, then expand as needed to remove duplicate profiles and outdated information. This approach keeps your database lean, speeding up candidate searches and improving overall efficiency.

2. Enhancing ATS Performance: Faster Searches, Better Results

Legacy ATS systems often have outdated search functionality. Start improving your system’s performance, you can enhance how it retrieves candidate information. Optimising search algorithms means recruiters spend less time searching and more time engaging with top talent. The outcome? Faster placements, increased visibility of candidates, and a more streamlined process.

3. Integrate Data Integrity: Maintain Your Data Reliable

Schedule regular audits to update CVs and eliminate duplicates to ensure that your database remains accurate and reliable. For example, removing thousands of outdated profiles and adding candidates with specialised skills can significantly enhance your recruitment outcomes. CV sourcing to scale the current will also help in data integrity. This means you have a more accurate pool of candidates to choose from.

Case in point: We helped a client remove over 15,000 duplicate records and update candidate information, which significantly improved data reliability, leading to a more seamless recruitment experience and better candidate matches. Download Now!

4. Efficient Candidate Tagging: Speed Up Your Hiring

Accurate tagging of candidate profiles can greatly accelerate the recruitment process. By tagging candidates with relevant skills and industry details, you enable recruiters to quickly match them with job openings. This reduces time-to-hire and ensures you deliver the right candidates faster. In a competitive market, this efficiency is crucial.

5. Using Candidate Sourcing for Lead Generation

Your ATS can do more than just fill vacancies. By engaging with candidates and tracking market trends, you can turn your ATS into a tool for generating new business leads. Identifying candidates with niche skills can uncover new opportunities for your business, helping you expand your client base while sourcing top talent.

Here’s What Else to Consider

Successful Transition Needs These Essential Factors

Exclusive Drop: 414% ROI and £415K Profit: How a Leading SAP Recruiter Transformed Their ATS. Download Now!

Originally published Sep 13, 2024 02:09:40, updated Sep 19 2024

Topics: ATS Performance, Candidate Sourcing, Legacy ATS Data Management

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