Inside QXF&A

Record to Report Services for Student Accommodation: An Overview

05 Sep 2023 | Tags: Record-to-report cycle, Student accommodation, Student Housing

R2R or Record to Report is all about financial intelligence. Data is critical to accelerating result...

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The Great Resignation is Far from Over & Here’s How GBS Leaders are Addressing the Acute Talent Shortage

16 Aug 2023 | Tags: GBS, global talent shortage, Outsourcing

Of the many business landscape changes to have occurred in the past few years, talent shortage has u...

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Accounts Payable & Data Security: How to Protect Your Business from Cyber Threats

07 Jul 2023 | Tags: Accounts Payable Optimisation, Accounts Payable Process, cybersecurity, Data Security

As businesses increasingly rely on digital accounts payable processes, the looming threat of cyber-a...

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The Impact of Automation and AI on Invoice Processing: Redefining the Future of Work

28 Jun 2023 | Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Invoice Processing, P2P, Process automation

Invoice processing has long been a challenging task in the world of finance leadership, plagued by m...

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Best Practices for Accounts Receivable Management in the Recruitment Industry

10 May 2023 | Tags: Accounts Receivable Process, Global recruitment services, Recruitment, Recruitment Challenges

Effective accounts receivable management is critical for any successful business, and even more so f...

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Managing the Transition to Accounts Payable Outsourcing: Best Practices and Pitfalls to Avoid

27 Apr 2023 | Tags: Accounts Payable Process, Finance and Accounting Outsourcing Services, Outsourcing

The decision to outsource accounts payable is often driven by a desire to reduce costs and increase ...

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The Impact of ChatGPT on Finance Departments: Will You Be Replaced by AI?

17 Apr 2023 | Tags:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword in finance for years, with businesses trying out ma...

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